We took the time to wander the floors and check out all the other antiques and of course I found a treasure and had to buy it! A sweet miniature replica of a three draw bureau - I new I had to have it the minute I set eyes on it. So I paid for it and out in my car it went!! We left the shop and walked up the street and ordered yummy sandwiches, sat outside to eat them and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Then it was off another store called The Junk Shop and we poked around inside at all the stuff. We then headed home for the day - back to my parents house where my Dad refinished my newly found treasure. (I'm kicking myself that I didn't take a before-and-after picture of it - I thought about that too late) It was covered in a yucky maroon stain- type finish that he stripped off - he sanded the drawer fronts - waxed it all over and then added these great wooden knobs. It is beautiful! I am so grateful to have such a great dad with such a talent! I'm so excited about this piece, not only is it a very neat unique antique treasure but it now will always be a reminder of the great day I spent with my dad! Thanks Dad I love you!